IT Management

Using a pragmatic approach to industry standards and frameworks, our team will review, assess or design key IT infrastructure, systems and processes:

  • Architecture
  • Data, Information and Systems Security (confidentiality, integrity and availability)
  • Change Management
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • Service Level Agreements - SLA
    • Incident and Problem Management (root cause analysis)
    • Service Desk: systems and processes

We can deliver one or a combination of:

    • reviews (evaluate) or assessments (measure) : we will deliver our findings in a report with actionable recommendations to support and deliver on your business objectives;
  • documented processes and training delivered to your key staff;
  • system design as per requirements.

When required we will:

  • act as your onsite or virtual IT Manager;
  • manage internal or external providers;
  • monitor and measure your providers delivery against SLA; or
  • manage critical incidents for you.

To discuss your specific requirements, please email us at